Friday, December 30, 2011

Thoughts on the production of music

I know I listen to this band a bit too much (Opeth). I am slightly obsessed because of the fact that the people in this band are absolutely creative, inspiring, and are all true musicians. They do not get stuck in ruts of repetitiveness and have the ability to reflect on their music, thus leading to a grand collection of albums that chronologically highlights their stages of maturity and interests as musicians. Not something you can find easily in a rock or metal band these days.

It is refreshing to listen to people who make music you can relate to, create/record music in a way that you enjoy too, and do it damn well. It's especially refreshing because not many people at all out there feel this way about their art. I enjoy hearing someone express their thoughts on their music and to hear how much value it holds for them. Everyone's answer will be different and it's great to get a different point of view every now and then too. This though... this is how I feel.

Watch 0:48-2:30

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I just remembered

So I just remembered I had a blog. So I should post another random tid bit of info to get lost in the midst of the vast depths of the interwebs. 

First order of business

MoE. A dear friend of mine. We met a year ago at The Mandolin Cafe in Tacoma, WA. Oddly, we both live in Seattle. We've grown to be great friends and we both share an explosive love for the art and experience of music and.... any sounds really (true sound nerds at heart). 

Our skills and passions have smashed together at high velocity and created this little moment of glory. I played an 80/20 producer-engineer/musician role while Moe played a perfectly complimentary role of 20/80 producer-engineer/musician. Moe had been wanting to capture the last 6 years of her life, from when she first picked up the guitar/uke in pursuit of writing songs of her own, until now, where she has developed into a furious song writing machine with a unique individual sound. A sound that she couldn't have developed purely by herself of course. That's why this album is dedicated to her amazing family, friends, and " everyone who has supported and encouraged me to take my songs, jump behind the mic and sing my heart out!" Moe and her twin sister Jessie were raised by a fellow music nerd and music major, their mom. They practically emerged in to the world singing harmony together. ...and the doctor thought it was crying... HA! 

We took one month out of our lives to capture Moe's beautiful songs. a couple weeks for about 6 half day studio sessions, and couple weeks for me to finish putting my final touches on it all. I really enjoyed working with this talented and passionate little ball o' sunshine. We both know each other so well, we both understood where the songs came from, we kept each other in check and we knew just when to tell one another when it was too little or too much. It resulted in a glorious balance of stripped-down heart-wrenching tunes and plenty of heavily layered (yet still simple) thought provoking songs. Some crazy stuff has come out of the woodworks on this one, like the sea-chantey epic, The Krakan's Song, and the song made of mouth noises and common kitchen items, Tea Break. We also left lots of room for you to create your own rhythm on your lap, nearest instrument, or on your steering wheel. I recommend getting a copy.

We could have spent more time on this, more time on that, recorded in a gigantic studio, and made sure the quality was good enough to please every tweak-head audio engineer's expectations out there. But we didn't. We felt that all of the songs properly conveyed the meaning behind them. In the end it is about the vibe and the emotion behind the take. Quality of the recording comes second. This album isn't for the music critics. It's purely for the love.

Us at Revilo Studios in Beacon Hill (Moe, me, and Jessie)

Second Order of Business

I've been recording this goofy yet serious internet radio show every week that airs on The Northwest Convergence Zone and the show is The Aquarium. On The Aquarium, we focus on local singer-songwriters (not limited to just folk guitarists) and give them a chance to share their music and thoughts behind it with the listeners. I would subscribe to the podcasts on iTunes so that you can see and listen to all of the past episodes. We're about 35 episodes in so far, and we've had some really great times. I recommend checking out the website and listening to some radio that isn't controlled by the wallets of corporations, so you can actually hear a good mix of real music that people like right now. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Back to the grind and good times

I 've the chance to work on a lot of cool projects this last week.

The Doldrums; A new 2 piece group (drums and guitar) that was started by a few members of a local Seattle band, Moon Pulls the Ocean. They played their first show at The Vera Project on February 5th and we ended up getting a recording of the show for them. I will possibly work with them on an EP.

MoE; More amazing local Seattle music! She's only played a few shows around the puget sound so far (due to full time school and work). She plays very heartfelt tunes that are generally up-beat and catchy and have touches of her spontaneous humor all throughout. After listening to her tracks, you can really get a feel for who she is as a person and her outlook on life. Currently she has dozens of great self-produced songs that she recorded on her laptop over the years, featuring a lot of her twin sister Jessie and her friend Court CWell. You can check them out at

A demo is in the works and we'll hopefully be working on a full length in the near future with full instrumentation, layers upon layers of vocal harmonies, guest appearances from Jessie along with other musically inclined friends, and (most likely) rad one-of-a-kind album art. Stay tuned!

Josh Powell and Jaimee Garbacik;
Friend's of mine at The Vera Project. These couple tunes served as a surprise for Jaimee, Josh's beloved girlfriend, on her birthday. Guitars were previously recorded by Josh, the man with the plan. Then, Jaimee was slyly brought in to the Vera with her Dad (visiting from the east coast) for a tour, and Josh surprised her were her first ever studio recording experience. Lots of fun was had and I had to edit out a lot of giggling in between vocal lines. Project concluded.

Other projects that have been in the works;

-Rare Birds and Rosemary full length
-Sammy Fuller - Producing and recording her original songs