Friday, December 30, 2011

Thoughts on the production of music

I know I listen to this band a bit too much (Opeth). I am slightly obsessed because of the fact that the people in this band are absolutely creative, inspiring, and are all true musicians. They do not get stuck in ruts of repetitiveness and have the ability to reflect on their music, thus leading to a grand collection of albums that chronologically highlights their stages of maturity and interests as musicians. Not something you can find easily in a rock or metal band these days.

It is refreshing to listen to people who make music you can relate to, create/record music in a way that you enjoy too, and do it damn well. It's especially refreshing because not many people at all out there feel this way about their art. I enjoy hearing someone express their thoughts on their music and to hear how much value it holds for them. Everyone's answer will be different and it's great to get a different point of view every now and then too. This though... this is how I feel.

Watch 0:48-2:30

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